My Blog List

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This blog is a class assignment to develop a utopian island community.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Maurice's Mass Mansion

This is my island again. This time it's called Maurice's Mass Mansion (hint: because  the houses are so big, that they cover the whole island)!

My blog represents a utopia of peace and serenity. Its about giving people freedom, while having order and construction. My utopian island is a place for people to come and be mostly free (island still has some ground rules).

"What I Perfect?"

Perfect is what everybody wants and dreams of. A perfect utopia is every ones hopes and dreams of what their perfect little world would be like. Not everyone has the same "perfect utopian" ideal place. It varies from person to person, but we all still have that one place where we've always wanted to be.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Utopian Motto, Seal, and Flag

Motto: "I will always be honest and loyal to myself, others, and anyone who I come in contact with."

Seal: "Luxury: The Core of Our Prosperity"

Flag: "Live Your Life, Laugh Your Heart Out, Love Forever"


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"The Veldt" Response

Theme: More is not always better - Having bigger and better things is not always the best way to accomplish a goal.

Quotes: "I don't want to do anything but look and listen and smell; what else is there to do? - There is plenty more to do like love and feel and hope for. It doesn't just stop there either. You have a life to do as well.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Architecture & Growth

My island is paradise all summer long. But in the winter, there are beautiful snow scapes and sparkly frozen rivers. We use electricity just like most of the rest of the world. There's not any walls or boundaries, but there are soldiers around the perimeter of the island just in case we need special operatives.
This is the up-town part of my island. The other picture was the laid back countryside part of my island.


I rule the island!! That's just how it works. The way the new ruler is chosen through the bloodline, somewhat like a monarchy (in a way). My island's Bill of Rights are basically the 10 Commandments. People who commit horrible crimes like killing, stealing, etc. are thrown in jail, prison, or executed. But, the kids have to have a continuous/ongoing record of disobedience to be thrown in jail and/or alternative "A" school. When you are put on trial, you are guilty if there is enough evidence or witnesses to persuade the jury. The police look like regular people, and live their lives just like everyone else. The police don't wear suits or uniforms (most of the time). Government help or aid comes from our U.S. facility in northern Georgia.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


     A. Everyone has their own freedom to be friends with whoever. You can have little "cliques" or "clubs", but you really can't have things like "gangs" or "mobs", per se. We all have our own perspectives and values so, we all can be with anyone we want to be with. There is NOOOO discrimination, NOOOO belittling (whatsoever!), and NOOOOOO hatred.

      B. Community Planer
  • Meet with public officials, developers, and the public regarding development plans and land use
  • Gather and analyze economic and environmental studies, censuses, and market research data
  • Conduct field investigations to analyze factors affecting land use
  • Review site plans submitted by developers
  • Assess the feasibility of proposals and identify needed changes
  • Recommend whether proposals should be approved or denied
  • Present projects to planning officials and planning commissions
  • Stay current on zoning or building codes, environmental regulations, and other legal issues
     C. Everyone is a part of the whole. Everyone has someone else they need, that also needs them. Like the saying,"we are family", everyone is needed and everyone also needs someone else.

My Utopian Street Art

This picture symbolizes my island as a "free for all" type of place. There are rules, but everyone still has their own personal freedom. Everyone is allowed to be their own person, have their own life. Be free.


My society GREATLY encourages individuality. Everyone has their own unique style and can express themselves in any way. You can be anyone you want to be (except a terrorist). Terrorists are not allowed EVER!!!!

Daily Living & Economy

          My utopia is about free living and expressing yourself. The people on my island spend their days living large and having fun. No one actually "works" because we have a tremendous amount of gold, silver, jewels, diamonds, you name it. My island is very wealthy, as you can see. The children (and adults) go to school 4-5 days a week, depending on their course(s) of study. The only way you can get out of school is if you are: 1. Are finished with your 12 grades,or 2. Are of old age (50 yrs. of age). Free-time is after school or college (adults or extremely-intelligent children ONLY!!) The children applying for college will have to take a 2-year course to learn the rest of the remaining grades. There is definitely television!! Everyone can go and come as they please. Everyone has a liability to either buy or grow their own food. Their my utopia is Christian-based. If someone is sick, they can go to any doctor they please. Just like the U.S.A., your insurance (if you have any) will cover all the hospital bills.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Little Hawkins Island

Look at my house, isn't wonderful!! Look at the amazing view it has toward the St. Marshall's river!!